The md_nvt_constrains function


Performs molecular dynamics in a nvt ensemble holding the indicated constraints

md_nvt_constrains(latvec_in, xred_in, fcart_in, vel_in, bond_valu,
                                angl_valu, atom_fix_valu, atom_fix_cord, amu, Qmass,
                                dtion_md, temp, s_in, s_in_dot, bond_const, angl_const,
                                atom_fix_const, correc_steps, md_steps,bool_bond_cons,
                                 bool_angl_cons, bool_atom_fix_cons, nat, numb_angl_cons,
                                 numb_bond_cons, numb_atom_fix_cons, s_out, s_out_dot,
                                   x_out, v_out)

The input parameters for md_nvt_constrains

latvec_in real(8), dimension (3,3) lattice vectors given in a matrix where every column of the matrix correspond to a lattice vector.

xred_in real(8), dimension (3, nat), matrix with the current reduced positions of the atoms in the system.

fcart_in real(8), dimension (3, nat), matrix with the current cartesian (not reduced) forces over the atoms in the system.

vel_in real(8), dimension (3, nat), matrix with the current velocities of the atoms in the system, initialize with subroutine init_vel_atoms.

bond_valu real(8), dimension (numb_bond_cons), array with the values of the bond constraints. For example if you use 2 bond constraints between atoms (1,2) and (4,6), then the first value in **bond_valu** will be the value of the constraint enforced between atoms (1,2). In the case of no bond constraints then bond_valu must have at least one value.

angl_valu real(8), dimension (numb_angl_cons), array with the values of the angle constraints. For example if you use 2 angle constraints between atoms (1,2,3), and (6,7,8), then the first value in **angl_valy** will be the value of the constraint enforced between atoms (1,2,3). In the case of no angle constraints then angl_valu must have at least one value.

atom_fix_valu real(8), dimension (numb_atom_fix_cons,3) coordinates of positions where the atoms are to be fixed. For example if you want to fix atom 1 to [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] and atom 2 to [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], then :: atom_fix_valu -> [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ].

In the case of no atom fix constraints then atom_fix_valu must have at least one value [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]].

atom_fix_cord real(8), dimension (numb_atom_fix_cons,3) Allow for fixing the atoms to a given set of the (x,y,z) coordinates, this can be done by setting a 1 in the coordinate where the constraint is going to be activated and a 0 where there is not going to be a constraint, for instance, if you want the atoms declared in atom_fixed_constrains to be held at the positions given at atom_fixed_position then atom_fix_coordinate must be declared:

atom_fix_cord ->  [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0] , [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ]

But if for example, you want to fix the atom 1 to 0.00 only in the x coordinate, and fix the atom 2 to y= 1.0, then use:

atom_fix_cord ->  [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0] , [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] ]

In the case of no atom fix constraints then atom_fix_cord must have at least one value [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]].

amu real(8) dimension (nat) array with the atomic mass of the atoms in the structure

Qmass real(8) mass of the thermostat.

dtion_md real(8) value of the time differential for integration the unit of time is the femtosecond, we don’t recommend using a dt bigger than 0.1 which would be equivalent to 0.1femtoseconds.

temp real(8) value of the temperature.

s_in real(8) thermostat degree of freedom at current time.

s_in_dot real(8) derivative of thermostat degree of freedom at current time.

bond_const integer, dimension (numb_bond_cons,2), array indicating the atoms in the bond constraints, for example, to indicate 2 constraints, one between atoms (1,2), and other between atoms (3,5):

bond_const -> [[1,2],[3,5]]

In the case of no having bond constraints then use bond_const -> [[1]]

angl_const integer, dimension (numb_angl_cons,3), array indicating the atoms in the bond constraints, for example, to indicate 2 constraints, one between atoms (1,2,3), and other between atoms (5,6,7):

angl_const -> [[1,2,3],[5,6,7]]

The first atom in the array of 3 is the atom taken as the vertex of the angle. In the case of no having angle constraints then use angl_const -> [[1,1,1]]

atom_fix_const integer, dimension (numb_atom_fix_cons,1), array with the list of atoms to be constraint to a given position, for example, to indicate that the atoms 1 and 2 are going to be constraint use:

atom_fix_const -> [[1],[2]]

In the case of no having atoms positions constraints then use atom_fix_const -> [[1]]

correc_steps number of steps for the predictor-corrector algorithm that performs the integration of the equations of motion.

md_steps number of md steps to be performed with the given input forces as forces guiding the dynamics.

bool_bond_cons integer, 1 if there are bond constraints, 0 otherwise.

bool_angl_cons integer, 1 if there are angle constraints, 0 otherwise.

bool_atom_fix_cons integer, 1 if there are atom positions constraints, 0 otherwise.

nat integer, number of atoms in the system.

numb_angl_cons integer, number of angles constraints, if there are no angles constraints use numb_angl_cons -> 1.

numb_bond_cons integer, number of bond constraints, if there are no bond constraints use numb_bond_cons -> 1.

numb_atom_fix_cons integer, number of atom positions constraints, if there are no atom positions constraints use numb_bond_cons -> 1.

The output parameters for md_nvt_constrains

s_out real(8) thermostat degree of freedom at the output time.

s_out_dot real(8) derivative of the thermostat degree of freedom at the output time.

x_out real(8) dimensions (3, nat), reduced positions of the atoms in the cell after md_steps.

v_out real(8) dimensions (3, nat), velocity of the atoms in the cell after md_steps.