.. _chap-md_suite_fortran: Creating and linking the MD_suite fortran library ################################################# ================================== Creating the library from MD_suite ================================== For the MD_suite.f90 file inside the mdwc/MD_suite_fortran_lib directory. First create the objects by compiling using gfortran :: gfortran -c MD_suite.f90 This is going to create MD_suite.o Then use the ar command to create a library named libMD_suite.a :: ar crv libMD_suite.a MD_suite.o ======================================= Link the library to an external program ======================================= To use libMD_suite.a in a external fortran program called main.f90 use :: gfortran main.f90 -L -l -o main In our case :: gfortran main.f90 -Lmdwc/MD_suite_fortran_lib -lMD_suite -o main Note that the name of the library is MD_suite despite being called libMD_suite.a since lib is just a suffix.