.. _chap-tutorials: Tutorials ############ ============== Running the MD ============== To run a molecular dynamics simulation using the *mdwc_* script the three input files **must** have the same name (name.in, name.files, name.md) for example the *testing_data/c_8_data* and *testing_data/LaMnO3_data* directories. The *mdwc_* script runs the NPT ensemble as the default to run and NPT simulation just type (in a directory with name.in, name.files, name.md): :: mdwc_ -name name_of_the_input_files In the case of the example in *testing_data/c_8_data* :: mdwc_ -name c_8 The system can also run an NVT ensemble with: :: mdwc_ -name name_of_the_input_files -NVT True Finally, the system can also use run abinit with mpirum and a certain number of processors, adding the flags: :: -mpirum True and -np number of processor The output of *mdwc_* is a total of abinit_steps directories in a series of name0, name1, name2, name3, … nameabinit_steps-1. Inside this directories, there is going to be the information of every abinit calculation as declared in the .files. In addition there is a .mdout file in every of the output directories, this .mdout file has the value of the constraints, pressure and volume through the simulation spam covered by that abinit_step.